Electro Tribal Hybrids

Cyrille Verdeaux - Pascal Menetrey - Tribal Hybrid Concept
Cyrille Verdeaux – Pascal Menetrey – Tribal Hybrid Concept
Cyrille Verdeaux – Pascal Menetrey

Tribal Hybrid Concept (Gonzo Multimedia, 2014)

Keyboard maestro Cyrille Verdeaux steps away from progressive rock and symphonic electronic music works to venture into the world of tribal music on his new album titled Tribal Hybrid Concept. Verdeaux uses music samples of chants and spoken word recorded by Pascal Menetrey in various countries.

The recordings include Inuits, Papoos, Tuvas, Ethiopian, Oglala Sioux, Pygmees, and Kurdish singers along with samples of various wild animals in danger of extinction such as the African leopard, tigers, Siberian fox and various types of birds.

Tribal Hybrid Concept includes some tranquil material, but it’s the irresistible shamanic electronic dance music plays an essential role. At times, Cyrille Verdeaux’ trance music reaches a fabulous groove similar to Afro Celt Sound System or TransGlobal Underground.

This CD also hosts the one and only song ever recorded by the Amazonian Chief Raoni, from the tribe Kayapo, former protégé of Sting in the 80’s,” says Cyrille Verdeaux. “The old chief is still struggling and still in trouble to keep his tribe alive in spite of the efforts of the Brazilian government to make them disappear once and for all in the name of ‘ordem e progresso’. So the more CDs will be sold, the more royalties Raoni will get to help him to resist to his fatal fate. With the genuine voice of the great Chief of Amazonia, this song in genuine Kayapo language sang by Raoni himself is a moving and wise calling to spear the Amazonian territory, for this ecosystem is essential, not only for the survival of his tribe but also for all the earthlings present and future…”

Raoni’s message to the world: “I’m back now, because my concern returned. I learned that you too are worried now. The winds came and destroyed your forest. You knew the fear that we know. I tell you, if man continues to destroy the earth, these winds will return with even more force … not once … but many times … sooner or later. These winds will destroy us all. We all breathe one only air, we all drink one only water, we all live on one only earth. We must all protect it. Home invasions began again. Woodcutters and gold diggers do not respect the reserve. We do not have the means to protect this vast forest which we are guardians for all of you. I need your support. And I ask you before it’s too late”.

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