The great dream of Fabio Zuffanti was to transpose the whole prog rock opera he composed based on Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem “The rime of the ancient mariner” to a theatrical version; giving people a version that could visualize the magical words and the music of the poem.
Thanks to ta meeting with Genoese director Susanna Tagliapietra, author of great achievements in the musical field with her versions of “Aida” and “Jesus Christ Superstar”, the dream has become reality.
Susanna helped bring alive the musical world of Zuffanti, creating a multimedia performance, reproducing on stage the supernatural universe of Coleridge with multimedia elements, dance and stage actions.
The first of the show was held last December 16, 2012 in the prestigious Teatro Verdi in Genoa with great success. This double album was videotaped and recorded that evening. It features a DVD of the show with additional backstage bonus footage. The CD contains the live recording of the concert.
Compared to the studio version released last year on CD, The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner – Chapter One, the theatrical version contains many new arrangements and a completely new piece titled “Interlude”.
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