Sobre la ira de Dios (2013)
This album generated a lot of controversy on this website in December of 2013. It won by a large margin our poll for best progressive rock album of 2013. I finally received a copy of the album and was able to make my own opinion.
Ficción III is basically a Venezuelan duo formed by keyboardist José Ignacio Lares and drummer Edgar ‘Coqui’ de Sola. Lares is deeply influenced by the keyboard work of Keith Emerson. The best material in Sobre la ira de Dios are the instrumental pieces, where the duo emulates the sound of ELP and Triumvirat. While the keyboard work is very good, Sobre la ira de Dios is certainly not the best album of 2013. The recording has some very weak tracks, especially when vocals are used, and sometimes meanders in uncertain directions.
If you like the keyboard oriented ELP-style form of progressive rock, you may want to check out Sobre la ira de Dios
Dear Mr Angel Romero…
Thanks for your comment in the Contest where FICCION came out as a overwhelmingly winner. We respect your opinion, but we do not share it. especially certain comments you’ve made. FICCION utilized the best available resources, the best symphonic orchesta we’ve had, and we made likely the best music we could produce.
we’re not a gold or silver ring so we don’t have to be likeable all the time. Subjetivity and judgement comes first. We believe we’ve played clean, with the constes rules by Progressive Rock; and Like you said, our fans were more loyar and our strategy was better than the others. Our fans allowed us to win ’cause they believed in us.
Music changes, so does tastes and styles within Progressive. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be Progressive. You reward us when compares our work with E.L.P.’s. Thanks a lot, Because they are Progressive’s valued icons and it’s a privilege to be compared with someone with their status. We’ve won the Contest from Progressive Rock absolutly clean, and FICCION had 20.227 votes to backup that result. We’re just hoping to get what was offered to the 1st, 2st and 3st place by Progressive Contest, by Progressive Rock Again; Dear Mr Romero, many thanks for your words and the best regards to you.