“Prog på svenska – Live in Japan” (Anglagard Records, 2014)
For fans of state of the art symphonic progressive rock Änglagård has a special meaning. They were possibly the first progressive band of the 1990s to reach legendary status. The band is still around, with some changes in the lineup and it is still one of the finest progressive rock acts in the current scene. Others may be more popular, but they hardly match the masterful and hauntingly beautiful sound of this band.
Prog på svenska – Live in Japan is a double CD recorded in Japan. The music fans in the Asian nation have been responsible for helping uncover numerous progressive rock gems from the 1970s and following decades. And after 20 years, Japanese audiences had the opportunity to see Anglagard live.
One of the reasons why Anglagard is so appealing to the sometimes tribalized progressive rock audience is their ability to combine delicate and majestic symphonic rock passages with dazzling flute, guitar, keyboard interplay as well as vibrant outbursts in classic King Crimson fashion. All this surrounded with some of the finest mellotron work you’ll ever hear.
The lineup on the album includes Anna on flute; saxophone, mellotron, melodica and recorder; Johan Brand Johan Brand on bass, Moog Taurus and effects; Tord Lindman on guitar and vocals; Linus Kåse on keyboards and saxophone; and Erik Hammarström on drums and percussion.
The material Prog på svenska – Live in Japan includes several pieces from the most recent album “Viljans Öga” (2012), as well as 20-year old classic material from the band’s first two albums.
Änglagård built their reputation on two masterpieces, “Hybris” (1993) and “Epilog” (1994). After the first incarnatyion of the band split-up, a live album titled “Buried Alive” was released.