Vol. 1 and 2 (In and Out of Focus Records OF002CD, 2014)
This double set features a collection of improvisational instrumental tracks performed by two different lineups connected with Dutch progressive rock band Focus. The trio format is the same on both discs.
Disc 1, titled Swung Vol. 1 was originally sold during tours. The disc includes Bobby Jacobs on bass, Pierre Van Der Linden on drums and former Focus guitarist Niels Van Der Steenhoven who uses a wide range of guitar techniques. The pieces on Swung Vol. 1 include high energy progressive blues-rock variations along with slow tempo pieces. Highlights include ‘Adventure 4’ where the guitar melodies have a Middle Eastern flavor; and the introspective ‘Adventure 6’.
Swung Vol. 2 on Disc 2 features a more recent lineup: Bobby Jacobs on bass, Pierre Van Der Linden on drums and current Focus guitarist Menno Gootjes. Even though Niels Van Der Steenhoven did a great job, I like Menno Gootjes’ style better. Swung Vol. 2 also features a series of improvisatory pieces although the foundation seems less blues-based and more progressive rock oriented with exciting jazz and exploratory moments. High points include the vibrant opening piece ‘Raga Reverence 1’ where Gootjes demonstrates his versatility; and the fascinating overdubbed guitars in ‘Raga Reverence 2.’
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