Brighteye Brison – V (Bad Elephant Music, 2019)
This Scandinavian act is marketed as a progressive rock band. However, when you listen to the first two tracks, what you get are pop beats and catchy vocal hooks that recall Supertramp, Queen and AOR groups. Not exactly progressive rock.
It is only on track 3, the longest piece, clocking over 30 minutes that you come upon progressive rock with an outstanding instrumental introduction driven by Chris Squire-style bass, majestic keyboards and great synth solos. There are masterfully crafted sections that are inspired by Gentle Giant’s skilled time signature changes. The vocals are still based on harmonies inspired by Queen, but the pop beats are thankfully gone.
The lineup includes Linus Kåse on piano, synthesizers, saxophone, vocals; Per Hallman on organ, mellotron, synthesizers, vocals; Kristofer Eng Radjabi on bass, taurus, theremin, vocals; Johan Öijen on guitars; and Erik Hammarström on drums.