Barbara Rubin – The Shadows Playground – Piano Works
I have been a friend and follower of Barbara Rubin and her music ever since she first sent me her debut, solo album Under the Ice, back in 2010. I really appreciated my introduction to her music and reviewed her debut; and her band at the time, Loreweaver’s, debut Imperviae Auditiones.
It was a fantastic package of music to stumble into. We had lost touch, but recently she updated her Facebook page and I noticed. I reached out to her to see if she was still making music, and of course she was; and I requested to hear and review her latest work. So that is why I am reviewing The Shadows Playground – Piano Works.

All of Barbara’s music, is full of her passion to create. She leaves ‘nothing on the cutting room floor’, so to speak. Her music is well produced and full of feeling and emotion. She writes all of her music and lyrics and puts her heart into each note.
Barbara’s discography includes: Under the Ice – 2010; Luna Nuova – 2017; and now: The Shadows Playground – 2020.

Within this album you can hear Barbara describe the feeling and emotion of needing to be close. Remember what was going on at the time she probably wrote this music. Italy was one of the places hit the hardest, early by the pandemic. The nation shuttered its cities and all work and life as she knew it ceased. It was a difficult time and Barbara’s life experiences, nostalgia, introspective journeys, and reflections about the present, all show up in the music.
All of the music and lyrics are written and performed by Barbara Rubin. Barbara sings lead and backing vocals, plays: violin, viola, piano, synthesizers, guitar, bass and drums. Andrea Giolo, sings lead and backing vocals. Veronica Fasanelli, sings vocals in the grand choir of “Helen’s Words”. Martina Donà, created the graphic design. Simona Sottocornola created the photographs. The Shadows Playground, was recorded, mixed and mastered by Barbara Rubin in her own Neraluce Studio, in Italy, during 2020.

The Shadows Playground – Piano Works, opens powerfully with Barbara’s voice on “Endless Hope”. A perfect way to open a new album, especially in these times, with endless hope. And the hope radiates throughout this album, with her vocalizations. The lyrics and accompanying piano support her well.
The album is full of melancholia, with bright sounds of classic work heard throughout. It is a beautiful piece of art which captures the pensive feelings that we all have had during this global pandemic. With Italy suffering very early and extremely hard during this pandemic, the need to be close to others and the feeling of loneliness is captured well in Barbara’s lyrics. Nostalgia for a better time and reflections on the past are expressed in words and music throughout the album.

Every song on the album has enormous emotional value, but my favorites are: “Endless Hope”, “Clouds”, “The Shadows Playground”, “Sleeping Violin”, “La Balata degli Angeli”, and the finale, Helen’s Word”.
Please get this beautifully composed piece of art for your collection and celebrate Barbara’s ability to capture feelings with words, piano and strings.
One of the best albums of the year.
Track List
- Endless Hope – 5:05
- Seven – 4:41
- La Maddalena – 7:22
- Clouds – 1:32
- Sunrise Promenade – 3:45
- The Shadows Playground – 6:04
- Sleeping Violin – 6:52
- La Ballata degli Angeli – 5:37
- Helen’s Word – 5:52