Edge of Paradise is out with one of the best female-fronted metal albums of the year, The Unknown. They have currently captured that space that Arjen Lucassen used to hold all to himself – the heavy metal space continuum. At the same time, they are delivering optimism in a very dynamic way, to help confront ‘The Global Pandemic’. They are giving Earthlings a way to make the most of our time here, before, we can all add space as a destination. The Unknown has something for everyone. Power, cinematic themes and sounds, melody, rhythm and inspiring lyrics.
So, it was a great pleasure to discuss this album and the plans of Edge of Paradise, with its leader, Margarita Monet. My first interview for Progressiverockcentral.com was indeed memorable and extremely fun. Thank you Margarita!

Margarita Monet Interview:
“The Unknown” video:
“False Idols” Video:
“Digital Paradise” Video:
“My Method, Your Madness” Video:
“Tidal Wave” Video:
“Mystery” Video:
“Universe” Video:
“Fire” Video: