Asylum Pyre has returned with a new album, Call Me Inhuman, The Sun – The Fight – Part 5, which was released March 24, 2023. Currently, the band is going out on tour with Attractive Chaos. They are planning a dual release party in April.
Asylum Pyre is made up of John Cadot, composer, guitars, and vocals; Ombeline Duprat, on lead vocals; Pierre Emmanuel Pelisson, on guitars; Fabien Mira, on bass; and Thomas Calegari, on drums.

Asylum Pyre, say about Call Me Inhuman, “from the awakening to the actual fight, the story of the lost souls of the earth. Those who were right. Those who were burnt. Those who fight in 2052, against the Civilization…that will collapse… Just before the apocalypse…”
Through the years, Asylum Pyre has toured with Rhapsody, and Stream of Passion, in 2016; and Demons Wizards, in 2019. They have also been invited to play as show opener for Doro, Myrath, Orden Ogan. Orphaned Land, Poets of the Fall, and Xandria. Asylum Pyre played at Metal Days Festival in 2016, and also in several dozen of festivals in France and Belgium such as Destrock, PMFF, Fertois Festival, and Drakkfes.
Asylum Pyre is an excellent band, with a great new album that will help them achieve more fame, as they build their growing fan base. Call Me Inhuman, The Sun – The Fight – Part 5, is a great album to add to their growing discography of accomplished albums.

The album opens with the call of horns and the thunder of drums, as a growing stampede of music and thundering feet confronts you, on “Virtual Guns”. It feels like something out of a Road Warrior movie, from the 1980s, and I like it. Ombeline Duprat, sings, “Yah Yayaï – Ya Hi YaÏ Hiaï”, winding up the legions following behind her on the chase to attack, before John Cadot roars the spark-point, “I say you have fallen! I see it rising!” The band describes this song as, “Seeds of hope – the fighters from all over the world open the message they received some times ago – Then starts a new war…. a war in heaven!” There is an excellent music video that goes with this song, that you can watch below. Ombeline Duprat is leading these legions on a chase to take over. A really great fight song, that you will remember well past the last notes. Off to a powerful start! Ombeline Duprat sings, “We ride in heaven. In the shattered fields of scarlet ruins. We are the chosen. With virtual guns!” They end the song with beautiful bagpipes to add to the epic power of this opener.
“Fighters” continues the saga, “Night is falling – over the world – but also over this civilization”. Power guitars, orchestration, keyboards, bass and drums herald the second track. Ombeline Duprat, sings, “Fighters from everywhere. Leave all the roles you play. Or Tomorrow the night….Till the end!” Another brilliant fight song that will lift your spirit and make you want to march with them. There is another excellent video to support this track.

The acoustic guitar at the opening of “The True Crown”, makes it one of my favorite tracks. But there is so much more to this song, and album. A great story, so far. Ombeline Duprat, sings, “Rising up everywhere. You haven’t seen us coming…Whispering…It’s not a dream, We are sailing on…When KAS is up in the sky, he can watch over you. and over your mistakes…and he can heal you WIK sees without being seen, shoots without being shot”. The moral to the song unfolds before you, “When you have nothing to lose. Then you are the true Queen, the true King”. A very cool war song, full of battle and battle cries, with magnificent electric guitar blazing all over the soundscape, amongst the magnificent power drums.
On “Happy Deathday”, the story continues, “In the city – in a downtown piano bar – Oxy, (Ombeline Duprat), is singing for these rich men – motionless men”. A power-driver guitar and drum track that will rock your world.

“There, I Could Die”, sounds like a title out of a Lord of the Rings movie. A powerful story in itself, with another great music video supporting it. The story goes, “Out of the cities. Afar… – From the top of a cliff, watching over the valley, admiring it… beautiful. People of the world. So as to defend it. I can die, and if there is a place to die. It is here. From this place, Oxy, (Ombeline Duprat), motivates her army”. She sings, “And I could die here. In the name of Gray. And I will fight here. Until my last day!”
“Sand Paths”, continues the story, “Once motivated, the troops spread all over the world in this pre-apocalyptic landscape. They cross and walk sand paths which are
the ruins of the old civilization. In the middle of these ruins…. A plant, a launch, a launching ramp…. Prepare the vessel to go to another planet”. Yes, this is a complete story full of impact and perilous scenes of adventure a plenty!
“The Nowhere Dance”, happens, “When all is lost. When you fear for your children. Then, you’re gonna cry. There will be nowhere to run, for there will be no good place to go. IT’S SOLD OUT. Your mum did not care about you…” Powerful lines of lyrics scream, amidst even more powerful musicianship, supporting.

“A Teacher, A Scientist, and A Diplomat”, has almost an operatic theme and feel to it. The title hints at three essential people necessary to start a new society, and give a rebirth to this new world.
“Underneath Heartskin”, opens with choirs singing and warm vocals from Ombeline Duprat, “I will teach you rhymes to love and fear me”. Then some excellent solo electric guitar, while other guitars grind and moan in the background.
“The Mad Fiddler”, has the title that I thought would make it the most fun song on the album. A charging fight song, unfortunately without fiddle, (but they do add some cool keyboard simulations, and electric guitar kinda plays the role of the mad fiddler). Eddie Jobson on electric violin or fiddle would have been an excellent, but costly, addition.

“Joy”, is the second longest song, on the album, behind “Virtual Guns”, at over 6 minutes. The opening power drums and thumping is awesome, and one of the best parts of the album. Ombeline Duprat, sings, “I come here sometimes, to meet my old friends”, while regal keyboards play, amidst the electric guitar, bass and drumming. Another of the best tracks on the album. François Blanc adds harsh vocals, “We will live forever if we pray”. The tempo picks up later, and the drumming and electric guitar, as well as Cadot’s harsh vocals, which roar!
“Call Me Inhuman”, is a beautiful closing piano outro, with Duprat and Cadot, singing softly, “We ride in heaven. In the shattered fields of scarlet ruins. We are the chosen”, as the bagpipe begins to play. A perfect closing for Call Me Inhuman.
All in all, Call Me Inhuman, The Sun – The Fight – Part 5, is a great introduction to Asylum Pyre. They are a great power rock/metal band that is worthy of your attention. I have not heard their back catalog, but this album is a great point to connect with this band, whose musicianship and story development skills are unquestionable. A metal, epic story and concept album. Check it out!

Track List
- Virtual Guns – 6:27
- Fighters – 3:53
- The True Crown – 4:48
- Happy Deathday – 4:04
- There, I Could Die – 3:48
- Sand Paths – 5:35
- The Nowhere Dance – 3:59
- A Teacher, A Scientist, and A Diplomat – 4:23
- Underneath Heartskin – 4:14
- The Mad Fiddler – 4:46
- Joy – 6:11
- Call Me Inhuman – 2:26
Websites and Social Media:
Band Website:
You Tube and Music Videos: