R Abacus Lndr is an EP by the artists Pulse Mandala and Distant Fires Burning, set to be released on September 9, 2023 (Audiobulb Records). The collection features four ambient electronic glitch tracks, creating a dreamy cinematic atmosphere reminiscent of the underground arthouse scene. The music delves into dark and mysterious soundscapes that provoke existential contemplation about the vast universe of understanding beyond our grasp.
The collaboration between Gert De Meester (Distant Fires Burning) and Wim Daans (Pulse Mandala) results in a captivating mix of Gert’s bass guitar and glitch effects with Wim’s modular synths and electronics.
Stream it and buy it at ab-pulsemandaladistantfiresburning.bandcamp.com/album/r-abacus-lndr