Welcome, Sevi, to the Citadel for Metal Fellowship, here at ProgressiveRockCentral.com!
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to discuss your latest album, Genesis, with us.
Today we have Svetlana Bliznakova, lead vocalist and co-founder; Rally Velinov, bassist and co-founder; and Peter Petrov, the new drummer, to discuss Genesis. Welcome to all, from Sofia Bulgaria.
Stone Angel, the new lead guitar player, had a previous engagement and could not make it today.
Sevi – Interview – Genesis – Part I
Sevi – Interview – Genesis – Part II
Link to the Genesis album review:

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to discuss your Genesis album with ProgressiveRockCentral.com
Band Website and Social Media Links:
YouTube and Music Video Links: