The Drinking Club - really?!? Cover artwork. An illustration of a river with some type of object floating, passing by a city.

The Drinking Club’s Ambitious Dive into Progressive Rock

The Drinking Club – really?!? (2023)

Peter Hewitt initiated The Drinking Club project in the early 2000s. During the pandemic lockdown in the spring of 2020, he revisited the project and sought a vocalist through a UK progressive rock Facebook page. Kevin Borras responded to the call.

The final lineup of The Drinking Club features Peter Hewitt (multi-instrumentalist), Kevin Borras (vocals), and Tony Flint (guitars). The band members, based in South Gloucestershire, London, and Australia, collaborate remotely through file sharing and email.

really?!? is a bold and ambitious endeavor that channels the spirit of the second and third generations of progressive rock. Drawing heavily from this lineage, the album presents a variety of influences with a contemporary twist.

One standout track, “Light Years,” echoes the vocal stylings reminiscent of Marillion, both nostalgic and fresh. The arrangements throughout the album are intricate and masterful, with the keyboard work and French horn melodies evoking the captivating style of Big Big Train. The band’s clever use of spoken word further enriches the listening experience.

However, the album isn’t without its missteps. “A Song of Life” features some questionable rapping that feels out of place and detracts from the overall quality. Despite this, The Drinking Club’s daring approach make this project a noteworthy addition to the current prog-rock scene.

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