Ellipsis Quintet - Aristotle's Dilemma cover artwork. Geometric forms and lights in the middle.

Transcending Boundaries: Ellipsis Quintet’s New Album ‘Aristotle’s Dilemma’

Ellipsis Quintet – Aristotle’s Dilemma (AudioMaze, 2024)

Ellipsis Quintet, the trailblazing progressive-world-jazz ensemble, released their second album, Aristotle’s Dilemma, on May 24, 2024. This collection of tracks reveals the group’s remarkable ability to weave together elements of progressive rock, world music, and jazz into a cohesive and compelling set.

In this offering, the band distances itself from the jazz-fusion nucleus of their debut album, presenting a more intricate sound. Aristotle’s Dilemma features low-tuned, distorted, hard-grooving axes, assertive drumming, elaborate bass lines, and captivating piano and keyboards. The trumpet, while a cornerstone of their sound, masterfully harmonizes with the ensemble.

The journey begins with “Forethought,” a trumpet-only intro that sets a grand stage for the album’s title track, “Aristotle’s Dilemma,” a spirited, fusion-infused piece. The album’s third track, “The φ Word,” stands out as the heaviest and most versatile, demonstrating the group’s range. Track four, “Home Not (Σκοτεινό νερό),” features the extraordinary folk singer Afrodité Elizavet Radisz, whose add her earthy and expressive voice.

“Νεῦμα” follows, enveloping the listener with its warmth, emotion, and confidence. As the album progresses, “Frission” emerges, embodying a forward-moving jazz-rock vibe with the flügelhorn’s rich timbre. The subsequent tracks pay homage to jazz legend Miles Davis. “Nardis” evokes a mystical, hypnotic atmosphere with a dark flügelhorn and extroverted piano, while “Milestones,” played in a 7/8 time signature, represents the most jazz/fusion-oriented track on the album.

The album concludes with “Afterthought,” a reflective piece that mirrors “Forethought,” creating a sense of full-circle closure.

The quintet, masterminded by Vasileios Nalmpantis, is composed of five multi-talented musicians from diverse cultural backgrounds. Their unique blend of metal, jazz, prog-rock, fusion, and traditional folk music from the Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean coalesces into a sound that transcends genres and boundaries.

Ellipsis Quintet

Musicians: Vasilis Nalbantis on microtonal trumpet, flügelhorn; Tomas Lukac on electric guitar; Lajos Tóth on piano and keyboards; Markus Oberleitner on electric bass; and Luis Oliveira on drums, frame drums.

Discography: Comfort Zone (2016) Demo EP; Avoid the Void (2022) LP; Aristotle’s Dilemma (2024) LP.

Buy Aristotle’s Dilemma.

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