Perpetual Legacy - "Teodrama" cover artwork. An illustration of a theater play with a man dressed as a king nd a woman in a wedding dress. Behind them there is a large metal cross.

Perpetual Legacy – “Teodrama”

Perpetual Legacy is a Brazilian symphonic metal band formed in 2014 by vocalist Michelle Braglia and bassist Matheus Maia. They will release their latest album, Teodrama on August 30th, on the En Hakkore Records label.

Presently, the Perpetual Legacy lineup consists of: Michelle Braglia, the lead singer; Lucas Fernandes, the lead guitarist; Matheus Maia, the bassist and backing vocalist; Rafael Lobo, the pianist and keyboardist; and Renan Costa, on drums.

“Over the years, they embarked on a journey of performances in various cities across Brazil, including the honor of being in the main stage of the Capital Moto Week, the largest motorcycle and rock event in Latin America, held in Brasília – DF/Brazil (2017)”.

Teodrama, according to the band, “Delves into the four pillars that make up the entire structure of the Bible: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Consummation”. Regarding the album and its concept, the singer Michelle Braglia says that: “The theme and the sound created an album that we always wanted to hear. This CD shows our evolution as musicians, singers, composers and writers, which made it possible for us to incorporate elements that we had not explored in our previous works. The public will be surprised! The concept is spectacular, since in 20 tracks we play and sing the only Narrative that involves all humanity and the only divinity in which we believe, the Triune God. The listener will notice that the songs not only contain biblical references, but they also touch on the past, present, and future. It’s a beautiful, profound and transformative theme”.

Teodrama is an epic compilation of metal symphonic music celebrating the miracle of the Lord and all of his works and teaching. It is a powerful symphony of love for the faith that is Christianity. All of the songs have powerful lyrics and equally powerful mini symphonies of music to inspire you daily. I enjoyed most all of the songs and will be listening to this massive double album for some time to come.

However, my favorite tracks were: “Grace”, with is eloquent acoustic guitar and enlightened and inspirational lyrics. The first Intro, “The Trinity” is also a wonderful opening to this epic two disc album of spiritual awareness. “Imago Dei”, with its epic choirs and keyboards throughout. “In the Cool of the Day’, is exhilarating, with its opening piano and keyboards and equally powerful blast of metal symphonic that follows. The “Intro 2 – The Mediator”, is also a stellar piece of orchestrated power. “Justified by Faith”, is another wonderful, picturesque song filled with acoustic guitar and Michelle Braglia’s beautiful voice. It is the best song on the second CD, other than the closer, of course, “The End is only the Beginning”. The closer puts its final stamp on this mostly brilliant two CD set.

Unfortunately, they do add growling to a faith album, which truly both surprised and upset me. Of all the genres of metal symphonic, I was not suspecting to hear growling on a Christian faith album. So, the last two songs, on the first CD, took away from the power of an otherwise spectacular production. There is also more on the second CD, but thankfully, you can skip through these songs when you listen independently.


o, in all Teodrama is a good choice to give you the rewarding metal symphonic music you desire. It is an excellent introduction to Perpetual Legacy, and overall, I recommend it.

Album Track List:

  1. Intro – The Trinity (Puritan Pray)
  2. Ex Nihilo
  3. Glorious Creator
  4. Grace
  5. Imago Dei
  6. In the Cool of the Day
  7. All Have Sinned
  8. No Innocents Here
  9. Look at the Cross
  10.  Intro 2 – The Mediator
  11. Above the Sun
  12. Redemption
  13. Babylon the Great
  14. Justified by Faith
  15. Hero of the Humanity
  16. Telelestai
  17. Waiting for You
  18. Judgement and Triumph
  19. The End is only the Beginning 

Teodrama” was recorded at Melodia Studio, Maia’s Homestudio, Dez14 Studio (Brasília/DF) and Braglia Homestudio (Rotterdam/Netherlands) between 2021 and 2023, with engineering, mixing and mastering by Arthur Inácio.

Band Website and Social Media Links:

YouTube and Music Video Links:

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