Guy Blakeslee - Extravision cover artwork. An abstract black and white design.

Guy Blakeslee’s “Extravision” Released via Leaving Records

Guy Blakeslee – Extravision (Leaving Records, 2024)

Los Angeles-based musician Guy Blakeslee has partnered with Leaving Records for the official release of his album Extravision, originally self-released in 2022. The album, created in the wake of a severe traffic accident, explores themes of healing and self-discovery.

Extravision was initially shared in a limited capacity but is now being re-released with the intent of reaching a wider audience. The album is a meditative, ambient music work that combines deeply mesmerizing elements of guitars, flowing electronic layers and drones. It reflects Blakeslee’s personal journey following his accident on March 13, 2020, when he was struck by a car and suffered brain injuries that affected his vision and consciousness. These changes profoundly influenced his music-making process during the pandemic lockdown.

As part of his recovery, Blakeslee, traditionally a guitarist, turned to the piano, experimenting with wordless, impressionistic compositions using a cassette 4-track recorder. The result is Extravision, an hour-long exploration of sound that diverges from Blakeslee’s previous work in American folk guitar but retains its influence. Most of the album’s tracks are drone-based, lacking prominent guitar presence, yet his connection to American Primitive music remains evident.

The final track, “Extravision,” reintroduces Blakeslee’s guitar, marking a poignant culmination to the album’s meditative atmosphere. His aim with this work is to create a trance-like state for listeners, allowing them to experience time gradually, by evoking both reflection and renewal.

Live shows

Saturday, Sept 7 ~ Los Angeles, CA at Philosophical Research Society.
Thursday, September 26 ~ Brooklyn . NY at Maha Rose.
Saturday, September 28~ Kripalu Center, Stockbridge, MA.
Sunday, September 29~ Hudson, NY at Basilica Soundscape Festival.
Saturday, October 5~ Los Angeles, CA at Philosophical Research Society.
Saturday, November 2~ Los Angeles, CA at Philosophical Research Society.

Buy Extravision.

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