VEiiLA – "Sentimental Craving for Beauty - Deluxe Edition cover artwork. A photo of a woman with sunglasses. Her black dress has faces drawn on it.

VEiiLA – “Sentimental Craving for Beauty – Deluxe Edition”

VEiiLA’s sophomore album, Sentimental Craving for Beauty, was released on September 8, 2023; through the world renowned, Projekt Records label, out of Portland, Oregon, US. It is one of my favorite albums of 2024. The band is a wonderful mix of talent and awesome heroics for what they have been through and accomplished, so far. Having left their homes in the city of St. Petersburg, and travelled to Vanadzor, Armenia, where they currently reside. That trip, alone, might have broken most people. The anguish which it forced upon the band members Vif Nüte, (the lead singer and guitarist), and Bes Eirid, (who plays keyboards and synths), would have been enough to force most people to give up on music or their dreams. But VEiiLA, pulled themselves together to produce one of the best albums of 2024.

They have been busy ever since the release, adding some earlier versions and live recordings of some of the best songs, off the original Sentimental Craving for Beauty, album. This warm collection, called the Deluxe Edition, of songs, adds to the abundance of Sentimental Craving for Beauty, by giving the listener a different perspective of the music released. A unique, first impression of the make-up of some of the best songs. The Deluxe Edition is full of nuances and additional sounds and instrumentation from the original tracks off the album. Time and space has been an ally, to unlock some variations in the rhythms and sound of these songs. In addition, new songs have been added that maybe didn’t make the original album, along with some live versions.  

Track List:

  1. So Young So Beautiful (B-side, 2022) – 4:48
  2. Soaring (B-Side, 2022) 4:02
  3. Let Me Be (B-Side, 2022) – 3:53
  4. Someone Else’s Life (B-Side, 2022) – 3:33
  5. Common Decency (First Demo, 2022) – 4:07
  6. Cool (First Demo, 2022) – 3:52
  7. Push the Pedal (Single Version, 2023) – 4:52
  8. Another Day (Live at the Boo Café, 2023) – 3:45
  9. Can’t Forgive Myself ( Live at the Boo Café, 2023) – 4:24
  10.  Trust (Live at May Dec Studio, 2024) – 4:54
  11.  My Blues (Live at May Dec Studio, 2024) – 4:38
  12.  Dust (Live at Forty 44, Yerevan, Armenia, June 2023) – 4:14
  13.  Bonus – April 5th (Talk Cover, 2024) – 6:58

So, should you add VEiiLA’s Sentimental Craving for Beauty – Deluxe Edition, to your music collection? Absolutely! Not only is it good to hear the original versions of many of the hits off this album; you get to enjoy the original essence of the music. This music is in some ways is even more dreamy and optimistic than the album versions of the songs. For example, “So Young, So Beautiful”, and “Let Me Be”, feel even more light and airy than some of the songs that made the album.

Vif Nüte seems to be in an even better mood singing these songs, and that in itself is a bonus. “Cool”, seems a little darker on this version. But that is interesting, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to hear this version. “Common Decency”, is a wonderful song, and one of my favorites of the year, but this first demo from two years ago is very interesting and full of more expressions…if that is even possible. These first demos and original compositions also allow the lister to hear how the songs evolved. The live tracks, “Another Day”, “Can’t Forgive Myself”, “Trust”, “My Blues”, and Dust”, give the listener a chance to imagine and experience what a live VEiiLA show might sound and feel like. The cream on the top of this musical cake is the bonus, Talk Talk cover song, “April 5th”, which was a remarkable surprise.

You cannot go wrong with any music created, performed and delivered by VEiiLA. This Deluxe Edition, is a wonderful surprise. Do not pass up this opportunity to hear more from one of my favorite bands of 2024, VEiiLA!

Band Website and Social Media Links:

YouTube and Music Video Links:

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