iNFiNiEN - Beyond the Veil

Irresistible and Trailblazing Progrock by iNFiNiEN

iNFiNiEN – Beyond the Veil (independent, 2022)

Beyond the Veil is the trailblazing new album by eclectic American progressive rock band iNFiNiEN. The band has matured and gotten even better. Indeed, iNFiNiEN clearly represents the true spirit of progressive music: music that evolves and moves forward.

Although iNFiNiEN is deeply rooted in symphonic progressive rock, the talented musicians incorporate a wide range of musical influences that keep the music fresh, engaging and deeply satisfying.

On Beyond the Veil you’ll hear the familiar exquisite and nuanced jazz vocal stylings of the enchanting Chrissie Loftus who delivers masterful performances as lead vocalist as well as her spectacular overdubs that generate a fantastic world of vocal delights. Chrissie Loftus is also a fabulous keyboardist and arranger, treating the listener to sumptuous piano lines and spellbinding atmospheres and orchestrations.

The guitar work by Matt Hollenberg is spectacular, varied and highly enjoyable. Hollenberg posses the ability to play state of the art, epic progressive rock guitar, but he also uses fresh and immersive sounds along with multiple techniques, including euphoric modes from the world music field such as Ethiopian, Spanish and Middle Eastern scales. It is some of the finest and most original guitar work in the progressive rock arena I’ve heard in a long time.

The rhythm section is equally outstanding, providing creative bass progressions and skillful, intricate drumming.

The lineup on Beyond the Veil includes Jordan Berger on bass and backing vocals; Tom Cullen on drums and percussion; Matt Hollenberg on guitars; and Chrissie Loftus on keyboards, lead vocals and backing vocals.

Guests: Liz Carlson on violins; Andrea Weber on cello; and Naeemah Z. Maddox on flute.

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