Robeone - Broken Days still mage from video. It shows the two chess players.

Robeone Presents New Video, “Broken Days”

Robeone’s new music video, “Broken Days” contrasts chess and keyboards. How Robeone attacks his movement as he plays keytar shows common motions with an “ebony and ivory” man and woman flowing from a standard chess board into one the size of a large living room. In the end, the couple unites with calm confidence. The video was created by Robeone’s longtime video producer, Blake Carpenter.

Robeone says, “’Broken Days’ is about all the turmoil in the world every day. The two people fighting in the chess game at the end become friends, a hopeful thought.”

Ultimately, this track will be on Robeone’s next album, which is still being created. Proceeds from the single’s sales, and all of Robeone’s releases, go directly to the Bob Moog Foundation which teaches children Music and Science.

Robeone is engaged in a number of projects, including work on another Red32 album.

Robeone has released six albums, Robeone, Circles, My World, Piano Stories, Keep the Music Flowing, Halos and Dogs, and Dream Suite.

Robeone’s alter ego, Robert Schindler, was keyboardist in bands such as States, Mayson, Blue Angel, Ruth Copeland, Ronnie Spector, Rhett Tyler. He’s played on albums by Johnny Nash, Star Cruiser, Rian Adkinson, Joe Mac’s American Garage (on Melodic Revolution Records). Moreover, he composed and recorded the Award-Winning Documentary Soundtrack “The Fiery Narrows – Following The Path Of John Charles Fremont.”

This Friday, May 24, Robeone will perform the National Anthem on a Moog Liberation Keytar at a soccer game in Asheville, North Carolina, to celebrate Bob Moog’s 90th birthday and the fifth year anniversary of the Moogseum.

For more information, visit

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